If you aren’t big on the massive time investment that a typical StarCraft campaign warrants, this is a nice little alternative. StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops doesn’t deliver much that you haven’t seen before, but it does it in an engaging way that sufficiently supplements the universe. The “Master Archives” mode, unlocked after completion, is also a great way to replay levels on different difficulty modes and go for different objectives with new equipment. After all, hardly any micromanaging suits me just fine, as Covert Ops is supposed to be different. I would have liked to have seen more stealth scenarios but there are two more chapters left. There’s even a brief on-rails vehicle romp with a boss fight and light dodging elements! The latter two missions also waltz into your more traditional RTS portions where Nova is playing a part of a bigger battle, and SCVs and base management can be controlled. Slow to respond to these attacks, groups form critical of the regime of Emperor Valerian Mengsk. Years after the End War, zerg attacks began to hit the outer colonies of the Terran Dominion. Covert Ops stretches the engine, having players at times stop on a dime and avoid hazards like rotating flame turrets. The Escape is the first mission in the first mission pack of the Nova Covert Ops campaign. While it can feel by-the-numbers, it all feels organic, even the intro section.